Too many participation trophies as a child

… and still a child.

This is the face of a loser, whose mommy told “A for effort” was good enough. If the University of Minnesota wants to retain any credibility, it should revoke this petulant pussy’s degrees.

Seattle University Professor Argues that Video Games Promote ‘Toxic Meritocracy’ Loser child whines that skill matters
A premise frequently underlying video game design is the belief that games should be balanced Balance is actively sought by designers in an effort to develop games that provide a ‘fair’ playing field that can easily be translated into an appropriate test of gamer skills. The governing ideology of balance allows those with the most gaming capital to triumph over those with less, as developers seek to make games where success is shaped by skill, rather than chance. As the norms of gaming capital and balance have become increasingly ensconced within game design, one of the implications is that games become meritocratic, where the ‘best’ are the most successful.

Yes, people with skills, who further develop those skills, do better in their skillset. That’s why you are nothing more than a leftist “media” professor who loses even at video games.