[UpdateS] Gun control is crazy

I’ve been reading more about “Doctor” McCarthy. See below.

Certainly gun controllers are.

Elizabeth McCarthy, who claims to be a physician who treated Pulse shooting victims is (or maybe was) running for Florida House district 28, on a gun control platform.

Soto Talks Gun Control at Town Hall
“That day [The night of the Pulse massacre] I removed 77 bullets from 32 people,” McCarthy said as she showed to the public bullets extracted from bodies.

That’s a little odd already. One physician pulled rounds from 32 of of the 44 victims sent to ORMC? And why the hell is she still in possession of forensic evidence? Granted, chumbucket is dead, but you’d think investigators would want all the evidence while they sorted out details.

But wait. There’s more. Florida Politics’ Scott Powers did an excellent job of digging up some interesting detail about “Doctor” McCarthy.

  • Florida Department of Health has no record of her being licensed as a doctor of any sort.
  • ORMC says they have no record of her working there. Ever.
  • Florida Heart Group of Orlando, for whom she said she was working, says, nope.
  • UF and FSU have no record of her playing for the Gators or Seminoles as she claimed.
  • UCF, where she claimed to receive her medical degree, has no record of her.
  • That Bachelors from Florida State? No record.

Apparently the only existing record of her having any real medical background is an RN license that lapsed in 2005.

In military circles, that’s what we’d call “stolen valor.”

In 2A circles, that’s what we call just another lying or insane victim disarmer. The two are not mutually exclusive.

Update, 6:40PM: This just gets better.

Let’s do some math.

McCarthy is 50 (2019). She would have been born around 1969.

Her RN license lapsed in 2005, when she would have been about 36.

I was an RN for 25 years. I’ve been in the medical field all my life.”

To have been an RN for 25 years, she would have had to be licensed at 11 years old. An RN tells me one must be at least 21 to be licensed.

Her first degree was in criminology, and we can guess that she graduated around 1992 at age 23, because she took a year off between colleges. She took two more years for nursing school. We’re up to approximately 1995. That’s the earliest possible year in which she could have been licensed as an RN — per her own account.

1995 + 25 years = 2020. So let’s say my approximations were off, and she became an RN in 1994.

Her license lapsed — for whatever reason — in 2005.

That’s a maximum possible 11 years as an RN. Not 25. And — again, by her own account — she certainly hasn’t worked in the medical field her whole adult life: she claims that due to cancer she “could not work in the medical field . (her punctuation)

So she went to work as… a lifeguard?

I hope she gets the help she needs.

Update 2: Hold the phone! I just found another report that… well, before I repeat it, I’m trying to confirm with the reporter, to be sure I didn’t misunderstand. Because, if correct, the story just got stranger. A lot stranger.

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