
Still lacking in much detail, but…

‘Hero’ teacher ran at gunman, tackled him to ground, student says: ‘He pretty much protected all of us’
“He pulled the gun out of his pocket and everyone started screaming, and trying to get behind stuff, like the desks and tables. And he started shooting,” seventh-grader Ethan Stonebraker, 13, told ABC News. “Immediately [teacher] Mr. [Jason] Seaman was yelling and running right at him and tackled him to the ground.

So… Basically an Indiana middle school teacher has more balls than the entire BrCoward County Sheriffs Office.

Deadly Assault Dog

But is it highly concealable (I wanna see a gangbanger stuff one of those into his pants)?

Man: Officer shot my dog while police chased neighbor
Davis is accused of picking up the dog, with only two feet touching the ground and ordering the dog to attack the police officer.

Witnesses say the dog was tied up, tried to run from the cop when he shot at the accused perp, and ran out of chain.

” A police spokesman said the officer, in fear of his life,peed his pink lacey panties shot the dog.”

The cops claim no complaint has been filed about the cowardly dog shooting, probably because Mr. Alexander is afraid of being shot himself, as cops find credible accusations against themselves frightening.

* That’s in reference to this:
