Dear BLM, Pantyfa, and other congenital idiots;

Let me explain something that your mothers were derelict in teaching you.

1. Playing in busy streets is dangerous.

2. You do not have a right to play in the street.

3. Outside of crosswalks automobiles have right of way, not you.

4. If you want to play in the street, there is a process for doing so safely.

a. Request a permit for a public gathering in the street.
b. Wait for the permit to be issued. If no permit is issued, exercise your First Amendment rights in a public park, not in the street. It’s much safer.
c. If the permit is granted, wait for the city to close the street before going out there. In a city, there are these things called “sidewalks” that you can use while you wait.
d. Wait for any remaining vehicles — that entered the street before the closure — to depart.

If you fail to follow this simple process, you should not be surprised to encounter vehicles in the street; the streets were designed for those vehicles, and the owners pay taxes and fees to use them. It is irresponsible to expect them to magically know you’re going to be in the street unlawfully.

If a vehicle drives up, it’s most likely because the occupant wants to go somewhere, not because he wants to attack you. (Nota bene: that can change as you continue to attack innocent drivers because you fucked up.)

If your response to a driver is to surround his vehicle and beat on it — and even attempt to drag the driver out to beat on him — he may be frightened. He may try to depart; that is normal, rational behavior, not an attack.

If you have the vehicle surrounded, and you’re beating on it, you are presenting your self as a clear threat. If one of your somehow-even-less-bright comrades approaches the vehicle with a rifle pointed at the vehicle — or even just low ready — the combination is, in Texas for a random example, aggravated assault. That is a felony, and the driver lawfully may, and sometimes will, shoot. That also is not an attack; it is self defense. Defensive, not offensive. Get used to it. This is another thing your malignant mommie should have taught you:

Don’t start fights, but it’s OK to finish one someone else — like you Bolshevik Lying Marxists and commie Pantyfa pansies — started.

If you’re feeling all butthurt, consider suing your parents for dereliction of parental duty, for failing to teach basics like not playing in the road and not attacking people.

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