Why, bless their hearts*

There’s going to be a Black Lives Matter “inspired” protest in “downtown” Saint Marys, Georgia on Saturday, organized by a guy who doesn’t live there, inspired by stuff that didn’t happen there, and supposedly bringing folks from out of state. Yeah, population 17,000 Saint Marys. (And that link is the only online mention of this event I can find.)

We’re talking Georgia, which has at least 700,000 concealed carry licenses. That’s just the ones who want to carry and bothered to get licensed.

Better yet, that’s south Georgia, where you’d be hard-pressed to find a home without a firearm at the ready. Heck, the area supports an NFA dealer despite the small population.

Then there’s the planned route. Those folks won’t take kindly to taunts, slurs, violence, or Molotov cocktails in their residential neighborhoods.

This will be either the politest, calmest, most peaceful BLM protest ever, or the shortest.

* For the non-Southern speakers, that’s polite Southern for, “You poor little stupid SOB.”