Comey is obviously planning a new career

Judging by Comey’s bizarre answers in that congressional hearing, he’s clearly looking for a future in stand-up comedy.

Seriously, sending something ‘non-paper’ just means they redact all the classified data and send the unclassified bits; it didn’t mean that they cut off the classification markings and sent it electronically, and we didn’t investigate Clinton lying to Congress because only the IG told us to, but we didn’t have a referral from Congress because we didn’t give Congress the information to know she lied. Or investigating Clinton violated the FRA by witholding emails beyond the deadline, and even lying because she didn’t even turn them all over and we found them later was beyond the investigation’s scope. And so much more. Mostly with a straight face worthy of Josh Earnest

I might have allowed that he recommended no charges out of fear of one of those mysterious accidents and suicides that surround the Clinton’s. But this testimony is so freaking far over the top that he must have been ordered to take one for the team and has been promised some imprressive bennies.
